Dades sobre Sudan


Sra. ANNA BARRACHINA - Treballarà al Main Committee 4 (MC 4 - Special Political and Decolonization Committee ), que té a l'agenda els temes:

1. The Status of Gibraltar 
2. The Situation concerning the Self-determination of the People of Western Sahara



Sra. GEORGINA DE LA OSSA - Treballarà al Human Rights Council (HRC), que té a l'agenda els temes:

1. The Abolishment of the Death Penalty 
2. The Preservation of the Cultural Rights in the Context of Globalization

Sra. ÀNGELA GARCIA - Treballarà a l’Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), que té a l'agenda els temes:

1. Reducing the Effects of Overpopulation with Special Concerns on Asia’s Population 
2. Measures to Reduce the Impact of Price Volatility of Agricultural Commodities over Poor

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